Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gift, Paper, and Pure Awesome

Story idea: What if someone's daughter is not their daughter, but all parties have always known this?

Need to think of a gift for my girl. Was going to give her my class ring, but inadvertently told my mother about it and she won't let me. Says it's too important. It isn't, really. After I graduate, I won't wear it again. Oh well. :P

Research paper is dragging by. I need to get my sources and notes back from my teacher so that I can actually start. I don't know if she realizes that I was actually planning on using them, cause she's still grading them. I hope she's done with them tomorrow, or else I'll have a whole weekend without them. And I can't do that, since the rough draft is due on the 13th.

Working on a new collaboration with someone. Will probably be done by the end of the weekend, at the rate it's going now. With any luck, it will be filled with vast amounts of pure awesome.

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