Saturday, November 7, 2009

Things Abounding in Abundance

So, my birthday is in a couple of days. Yay!

Trying to take a small break from my NaNo today, since I hit the halfway mark yesterday. It's kind of at a slow point anyway, so I'm alternating between picking at it, picking at an outline for Varia, obsessing over maybe wanting to write Creep again, and trying to pick at my writing homework.

I am really starting to get irked by this stuff. I do not understand the purpose of going to all this trouble beforehand, lining out your warrants and stuff. I do that as I go, making sure all that stuff sounds right to me and making sure I have good sources. And this isn't even for a factual paper. This is to alert people to a specific cause. Do they even write papers for that anymore? They write short articles in newspapers, or pass out pamphlets. I have never heard of them writing ten page papers to try to convince people of a particular note-worthy cause.

And the way my teacher just goes on about it. She's so dead set in this. Not that I mind that. It's just she's so incredibly hostile to any perceived threat to it. The other day, during my conference with her, I made a comment about me having a hard time with this initial stuff. She took it as me insulting her teaching style. I was saying that I had a failing there that I needed to correct and she instantly took it as me saying her teaching doesn't work.

Whatever. I only need to do the old stuff if I want a better grade. My plan is to make sure that I do the stuff I got the worst grades on first. That way I can bring up those weak points and whatnot. Hopefully that will work.

I also need to do math. Guh. That one is more my failing. I will probably read up on how to do it this afternoon, then do it tonight for a bit, then read again on tomorrow afternoon, do some more, then finish up whatever's left on Monday. I just have to stick to that schedule. It shouldn't be too hard, and I am confident that it will get me where I need to be. So, yay on that account.

Trying to hammer out some stuff for Varia, the gender bender story. It's kind of difficult, seeing as how I want to deviate from a perverted way of looking at a story like this. I want the protagonist to be in a girl's body fully, with a guy's mind, but with that mind rapidly becoming a girl's mind. The protagonist would be too freaked out to do anything with a girl's body that a guy would want to do, and by the time there has been adjustment the girl mindset is already taking over. So, yeah. Not many girls are willing to give me a lot of tips on this. But, I shall persevere.

NaNo is going well, quite well. Halfway towards winning, and not really halfway through the story's plot. This is very good for me. Very good indeed.

Got $45 dollars from both sets of grandparents for my birthday. There is a used bookstore just off of campus. I think you know what I am going to be doing with that money. I hope they have a better selection of science fiction and fantasy by the time I get there on Monday. But, if they don't, oh well.

That's all for me for now. Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. "So, yeah. Not many girls are willing to give me a lot of tips on this. But, I shall persevere."

    Hey, I tried at least! :P It's sort of difficult to think about, though.
