Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Faster Day By Day

A week from now, I will be on a plane and heading for Honolulu. Very happy about that.

Still pounding out more on An Iron Sea. Got 1k or so out around 11 o'clock last night, and will probably try to do the same again today, only just not as late. Staying up till odd hours of the night trying to get words wrung out onto paper can't do good things for my creative juices. I may still do it though, seeing as how I'm so close to the ending of the first draft and a few more hours of work couldn't hurt.

I've got a few ideas bumping around for my next story. At this point, I haven't really decided which one I will go with. One I'm holding off on because it's inspired by something that I'm a big fanboy of at the moment, and I'm going to work on it when I've mellowed out from that. Another is just a loose connection of characters and ideas with no true plot that I'll try to develop more. And, there is always the epic that hangs around in the back of my mind, begging to be written. I will get to it before long. The first book in it I'll probably work on during the plane flight, just so I can pound out a beginning of sorts. Though, I may end up writing something else entirely. I have so many ideas flying around even I don't know what I'll begin to work on next.

The days are counting down. One week, and I will be in Hawaii. Fingers crossed for luck. :)

-Conrad Rice

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