Sunday, December 13, 2009

Many things have happened since my last blog entry. I'm going home on Wednesday, starting up some new projects, and deciding on a new college.

So, I have deduced that what I thought was carpal tunnel was actually simply a sprained wrist, and that I overreacted somewhat. Oh well, such is life.

Starting a ton of new projects, to celebrate basically being over with school. Tomorrow are two of my finals, and the day after that are the other two. And then, the next day I fly home. So happy for that. Hawaii is nice and everything, but I do miss my family. And good food. Dining hall here is less than desirable.

As far as projects go, I have A Feast of Specters, the companion piece to An Iron Sea, an untitled sequel to An Iron Sea, finishing up my NaNo in a month or so, and a Halo fanfiction. Yes, I am going to write fanfiction. But, it is Halo, and it is a part of Halo that I would like to explore, a time after the main trilogy of games is over. I'm writing it with someone else, meaning that they get so much creative input that they are essentially a co-author. It'll be fun.

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